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Concrete Catholic
Encounter Christ in a real way.

Concrete Catholic

Atlanta, GA
The Story

With every challenge that life throws at you, there is always hope. Atlanta priest Fr. Jack Knight wanted to create a podcast that could speak truth to every person in the ordinary, the busy, and the hardest moments of life.

We teamed up with Concrete Catholic to build their brand, strengthen their voice, and capture their audience. The result? A website that "captured the essence of me." (His words. Not ours).

Concrete Catholic
January 2020
Atlanta, GA

The Process

When we began the project with Fr. Jack, we didn't have much to go on. It all began as a web concept drawn on a napkin, a few suggested colors, and a the desire for a "concrete" aesthetic. Fortunately, we love Fr. Jack, and love a challenge. Once we established an art direction, we got to work.

The Result

To create a successful podcast, you need to have all of the right pieces. You need a clear message (or content structure), you need a clear purpose (or reason people should listen), and you need to consistently produce. Check, check, and check. The end result was a branded podcast that resonated with its intended audience.

The Praise

Kevin created a website for me that is out of this world! I would recommend using his services to anyone. I literally expressed an idea and together we conceived a concrete plan and he created a stellar one of a kind website for me.

Fr. Jack Knight
Concrete Catholic